He insisted that a jurists who wanted to be a mujtahid fī'l-madhhab (a scholar who is qualified to exercise ijtihad within a school of Islamic law), was required to do ijtihad, which stemmed from his opposition to taqlid for a mujtahid. He is credited with developing a series of syllabi for attaining various ranks of scholarship and used a strict system of legal analysis based on Sunni thought. Ash-Shawkani refers both to his major fatwas, which were collected and preserved as a book, and to his 'shorter' fatwas, which he said 'could never be counted' and which were not recorded. Part of the fatwa-issuing work of many noted scholars typically is devoted to the giving of ordinary opinions to private questioners. Of his work issuing fatwas, ash-Shawkani stated 'I acquired knowledge without a price and I wanted to give it thus. He viewed himself as a mujtahid, or authority to whom others in the Muslim community had to defer in details of religious law. Born into a Zaydi Shi'a Muslim family, ash-Shawkani later on called for a return to the textual sources of the Quran and hadith. It is indeed an excellent work that is widely used and referenced by the Scholars.ĪBOUT THE AUTHOR: Muhammad Ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Abdullaah As-Shawkani, the surname 'ash-Shawkani' is derived from Hijrah ash-Shawkan, which is a town outside San'a. He is known to have abridged it from Tabari's work with minor adjustments as well as that of Qurtubi. In his he relies on transmission based tafseer. Ibn Hajar al asqalani Fathul Bari Sahih Bukhari commentry biography Muntakhab Ahadith Free Download English PDF Word Text Urdu.ĪBOUT THE BOOK: This is by far one of Shawkani's greater works wherein he sums up the various interpretations of the scholars of the past in regards to Tafseer of the Qur'an.

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